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Mayor Launches Shopping Centre Fund-Raiser for Point Pleasant Park.

(Tuesday, June 1/2004)-- Halifax Shopping Centre has set a goal of $100,000 to raise in the month of June. Shoppers can adopt seedlings for a $1 each, receive adoption papers, plant their seedling at home and all the funds raised will go to support Point Pleasant Park.

"This fund-raiser is inventive and encourages people to think about their surroundings by adopting a seedling, while at the same time supporting our badly damaged park," said Mayor Peter Kelly at the official campaign kick-off today.

The Halifax Shopping Centre will also be seeking corporate donations to the campaign. Corporations may wish to distribute seedlings to their employees or the shopping centre will distribute the seedlings to metro school classes on their behalf.

Mayor Kelly said, "The timing of this campaign serves as a reminder that even though Point Pleasant Park re-opens this Friday, it still needs lot of community support."

A photo exhibit is on display in the centre court of Halifax Shopping Centre showing Point Pleasant Park both before, and after, Hurricane Juan last fall. Red spruce seedlings (Picea rubens) will be available in the centre court for adoption.

"We chose the Picea rubens as our seedling for adoption because it is Nova Scotia's official tree, a hardy one that can survive in various ground conditions," said Blaise Morrison, manager of the Halifax Shopping Centre. "It represents the strength and versatility of the Nova Scotian people."

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John O'Brien
Corporate Communications, HRM

Linda Townsend
Halifax Shopping Centre Communications

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.