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June is Recreation Month

(Thursday, June 3/2003)-- June is Recreation Month and this year's theme is "Live it Everyday."

"Countdown to Summer Band Night", which is a fundraising event in support of the HRM Kids program (Healthy Recreation Motivates Kids), is the kick-off event for this year's festivities. The HRM Kids program provides recreation opportunities by way of donated or discounted registration spaces in a variety of community-based recreation/art/cultural/sport programs to children who otherwise would not be able to afford to participate.

The kick-off event will be held Friday from 6:00 pm -10:30 pm at the Cole Harbour High School gymnasium. The entertainment line up includes nine bands which are comprised of local youth.

Karen MacTavish, Manager of HRM's Community Recreation Services, says, "This Youth for Youth concept is a very positive and noble effort on behalf of our young band members and other volunteers, as well as our own staff who are making this happen with all proceeds going to the HRM Kids program."

She adds "Recreation and physical education are essential for a child 's healthy and social development, it enhances quality of life for everyone and builds safe and vibrant communities."

HRM's Community Recreation Services offers a wide variety of programs, offering something for everyone of all ages, interests, physical ability, socio-economic status and gender. There are lots of fun activities lined up. To learn more about them, please visit the HRM website at


Robin Boudreau
Marketing & Communications
HRM Recreation Services

(902) 490-4549

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.