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Councillor Concerned About School Safety on Election Day

(Monday, June 14/04)-- District 6 Councillor Brian Warshick is urging the Provincial government and the Halifax Regional School Board to end the current school year on Friday, June 25, rather than on Monday, June 28, due to the Federal election that day.

The Westphal-Waverley Road Councillor says he has real concerns about traffic safety issues, especially for the younger children.

Councillor Warshick says "One of the elementary schools in my area has close to 500 students; yet, it is constructed in a dense residential area. Considering the fact that most of the students will only be in school for less than two hours-- just time to get their report cards-- this could be cause for real havoc. With 35 per cent of the HRSB schools ( 48 of the 137) being used for polling stations, this will put undue stress on the safety issue. Many parents will be driving that morning to ensure the kids have all of their materials, clothing etc. There will also be school busing issues, not to mention the many residents who will want to drop by and cast their ballot on the way to work. The congestion will be huge."

The Councillor says the HRSB has always said it puts safety first, so the change of the school closing date would be an opportunity to further prove it to parents.

He also called upon Education Minister Jamie Muir to set aside the mandatory 195 teaching days for this year, because of the special circumstances.

"This is a unique situation as the election falls on the very last day of school. Many other provinces will have had their school year finished, so it would not effect them, " he said.

Although the provincial mandate calls for 195 teaching days, Councillor Warshick says in this case it should be waived. With closures due to Hurricane Juan in the fall, the January cold snap and the February record-breaking blizzard, "What difference does it make if we close the school one day earlier for the final day of the year?"

He says it is his understanding that Friday (June 25) is classified as a provincial marking day, so the students would not normally be in school. Also, all of the school graduations would have been held by the end of that day.


Councillor Brian Warshick
(902) 488-3800

John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531
(902) 490-4044 (fax)

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.