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Premier Sports Facility Moving Ahead in Albro Lake - Harbourview District 9

(Friday, July 9, 2004) The first phase of a three stage premier sports facility for District 9 is moving ahead. Last night Harbour East Community Council(HECC) heard a presentation from HRM staff member Jim Naugler, project co-ordinator for the two new artificial fields to be located in District 9 .

The site preparation design and Request for Proposal( RFP) for the turf makeup and installation should be ready by the end of this month. Ekistics Planning & Design, the consulting company picked to design the two field project, informed Council that due to the need for extensive field preparations prior to the installation of the turf, it is very likely the turf will have to be installed early next spring with the fields being ready for the 2005 playing season.

The last phase, the construction of the service building, will be ready for tender in October.

Councillor Smith says this is a project he and the members of HECC are excited about and support 100%. Harbour East Community Council and the residents of District 9 want a premier facility and are willing to allow the time to do it right.



Councillor Jim Smith
District 9
Albro Lake - Harbourview
Cell: 229-8887

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.