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First Report to Council on HRM Corporate Scorecard

(Tuesday, July 13,2004) - Regional Council was presented today with the first report on the HRM Corporate Scorecard . The Corporate Scorecard was established after the municipality was faced with a significant deficit back in 1998/99 which required Council and staff to re-strategize on HRM's approach to finances and service delivery.

A Multi-Year Financial Strategy was developed along with a business planning process, to assist the municipality to build a more solid financial footing, focus on the priorities of HRM citizens and improve effectiveness and efficiency in program and service delivery.

Through the work of the Program & Service Review Committee, Council was able to identify four themes or sets of desired primary outcomes, which were felt to be representative of what the community expected from its municipal government. Council approved the outcomes and performance indicators to assist in the assessment of whether the final outcomes in the resulting Corporate Scorecard are satisfactory or whether more work must be done to achieve a better result.

Commenting on the first Corporate Scorecard Report, Councillor Ron Cooper, Chairman of the Program & Service Review Committee said " The committee is very pleased and proud of the outcome of this first report to Council. Staff and the committee have worked very well together. I feel we were able to establish a tool which will prove to be very effective and be able to be used as a benchmark in determining how we are performing as a municipality."

Acting CAO, Dan English said " We are very pleased with the performance of HRM Staff that is evident throughout this first report. Through a telephone survey conducted in May, 85% of HRM citizens report they are mostly satisfied with the service provided by HRM staff. The Corporate Scorecard is not meant as a tool that criticizes performance, but rather a tool to tell us what we are doing well, and in what areas we could make improvements.

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Betty Macdonald
Director of Governance and Strategic Initiatives
Tel: 490-4769

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.