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Fire Fighter Combat Challenge comes

to Dartmouth

"Toughest Two minutes in Sports"

(Friday, July 30, 2004) - As part of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency's 250th anniversary, Halifax Regional Fire is hosting the 2004 Atlantic Regional Firefighter's Combat Challenge at the Park Place Ramada Plaza Hotel, Brownlow Avenue, Dartmouth, August 7, 2004. Fire departments from across the Atlantic Provinces are sending teams and hundreds of people are expected to turn out for the event.

The Firefighter Combat Challenge is a competition based on fire fighting tasks commonly performed in emergency situations. The Challenge is very demanding and many participants perform at the level of elite athletes.

Firefighters call it the toughest two minutes in sports. But to the hundreds of families that turn out each year to watch, it's just a fun day with lots of entertainment and excitement. Plus the kids can get in on the action.

"If parents want to take their kids on a family outing, this will be the place to be," says Halifax Regional firefighter Rodney Misener, one of the organizers of the event. "Not only will there be great food and lots of fun and excitement, but the children can get involved too."

The firefighters compete on a course that includes a high rise pack carry, a hose hoist, advancing charged hose lines, forcible entry, and rescue. The teams receive marks for efficiency, speed and safety. But off to one side a mini-course will be set up for youngsters from four years of age and up so they can participate in a "junior" combat challenge. "We'll have firefighters and other volunteers helping out the kids. They'll have a great time," says Misener.

The opening ceremonies will be at 10:45 a.m. The competitions will begin shortly after and will continue all day. The firefighters compete in several categories, including best team, best individual, best female, and tag team relay. There will be an awards presentation at the hotel on Saturday night. Top place winners go on to represent the region in the national competition in Sherbrooke, Que. in September.

There will be modern and antique fire apparatus on display, and firefighters will put on a vehicle rescue demonstration. "This is a big deal to firefighters," says Misener. "But we also want the public to come and share in the fun."


For Further Information contact:

Mike Smith
Platoon Chief
Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency
(902) 430-9756

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.