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Public Service Announcement

More Ferry & Bus Service to Woodside during Tall Ships

(Friday, July 30, 2004) Metro Transit will add more trips to the already extended Woodside ferry service due to the emerging travel pattern demands for Tall Ships and Natal Day festivities.

The Woodside Ferry will run on a half hour basis with the last boat now to depart Halifax at 12:07AM each night, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The first boat in the mornings departs Woodside at 7:07AM.

On Monday, August 2nd, the Woodside Ferry will run on half hour service from 7:07AM with the last boat departing Halifax at 10:07PM.

A special shuttle bus will also run every 10 minutes while the Woodside Ferry is in service, connecting Penhorn Terminal passengers and Park & Riders directly to Woodside Ferry Terminal. The Route # 60 Eastern Passage will also drop off passengers directly at the Woodside Ferry Terminal all weekend and on Monday, August 2nd.

Extra parking is also being provided at the Woodside Ferry Terminal, Upper Lot, for $ 5.00 a day, on a first come/first serve basis.

Meanwhile, the Alderney Ferry, from Dartmouth-Halifax, will run every 12-15 minutes on a load & go basis, 24 hours a day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The frequency will be reduced in the evenings based on the demand. On Monday, August 2nd, the Alderney Ferry will operate on a 12-15 minute load & go frequency, until the end off its regular service day with the last boat leaving Halifax at 11:45PM.

Regular transit fares apply. Adult cash fare is $1.75;Child/ Senior cash fare is $1.25.

For further information on Metro Transit's bus, ferry or Access-A-Bus service, please call the HRM Call Centre at 490-4000, or check the special "Go Times" Rider newsletters on the buses & ferries and at transit retail outlets.

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Lori Patterson
Metro Transit
490-6609 or 476-5975

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.