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News Release

Councillor And Residents
Concerned About Highway Maintenance

(Friday August 20, 2004) - Councillor Steve Adams and many residents of District 18 are concerned about road maintenance decisions by the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public works.

A recent 7.5km upgrade of the Ketch Harbour Road from Village Road in Herring Cove to the bridge in Ketch Harbour has many residents wondering why a road that was already in a good state of repair has received yet another upgrade in the form of chip sealing. Many feel the money would have been much better spent making much needed repairs to the bridge where the road upgrade ended.

Councillor Adams said, " in an environment of scarce resources, efforts would have been much better spent making repairs to Old Sambo Road which is narrow, full of potholes and in generally poor condition. Old Sambro Road residents have waited a long time for their road to be repaired".

On June 8, 2004, Councillor Adams submitted a petition on this matter to HRM Regional Council signed by 366 District 18 residents.

Councillor Adams went on to say, " I will be working with Halifax Atlantic NDP MLA Michelle Raymond in her efforts to address this issue with the Honourable Ronald S. Russell, Nova Scotia Minister of Transportation and Public works".

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Steve Adams, Councillor District 18

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.