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Candidate Advised He is in Violation of Municipal Elections Act

(Thursday, August 26/2004)-- Mike Fleming, a declared candidate for municipal councillor for District 8, was advised today by Municipal Clerk and Returning Officer Jan Gibson that, in her opinion, he is in conflict with the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act dealing with municipal employees seeking office as a member of municipal council.

As a result, she also advised Mr. Fleming that she will not be accepting his nomination papers if they are presented by him to her during the official nomination period in September.

The nature of the conflict is that Mr. Fleming failed to take a leave of absence from his municipal duties in accordance with Section 17C of the Municipal Election Act prior to declaring himself to be a candidate in the upcoming election on October 16.

Ms. Gibson chose to advise Mr. Fleming of her intention at this time, rather than waiting until nomination week ( by appointment, September 7-13 ) or official Nomination Day (September 14) in order to give him more time to consider and pursue his options.


John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.