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Province to Present Plans for Roundabouts

(Wednesday, September 1/2004)-- Representatives of the provincial Modern Roundabout Committee are scheduled to make a presentation to Halifax Regional Council next week regarding plans to convert traffic rotaries in Nova Scotia to European-style roundabouts, Councillor Linda Mosher said today.

Traffic officials from HRM were invited by the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Public Works to join the provincial committee last year. Discussions have taken place on various issues that would be involved in any changeover in traffic right-of-way regulations governing traffic movement on rotaries. Currently, there are three rotaries in Nova Scotia-- in Halifax (Armdale Rotary), Pictou and Port Hawkesbury.

The difference between rotaries and roundabouts is: traffic must merge-on-entry on a rotary, while on a roundabout, traffic must yield-on-entry to vehicles already on the roundabout. If the province were to convert traffic rotaries to roundabouts throughout Nova Scotia, amendments would be required to the Motor Vehicle Act.

Councillor Mosher said "I, like many others, have been following with interest the many comments, concerns and helpful suggestions from residents of HRM regarding the idea of changing the Armdale Rotary to a European-style roundabout. However, Council has not discussed this idea formally nor has it approved any Capital Budget allocation yet for any traffic improvements that might be required at the Armdale Rotary."

The Councillor said that if the province was to move ahead with legislative changes to convert rotaries to roundabouts, HRM and other municipalities would have no other choice but to comply.

"If any major changes were to take place at the Armdale Rotary, a comprehensive public information/education program would have to take place in advance, to properly inform residents and address their concerns," she said.

The provincial Modern Roundabout Committee presentation is scheduled for the September 7 regular meeting of Halifax Regional Council.


Councillor Linda Mosher
(902) 476-4117

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.