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Media Advisory

Needham Tower Bells to be Removed

(Wednesday, September 8/04)-- Various media outlets have expressed an interest in filming/photographing contractors removing the bells from the Halifax Explosion commemorative tower at Fort Needham for repairs.

The contractor, Duron Atlantic, will begin removing the bells tomorrow morning (Thursday, September 9) at 8 a.m. The operation will likely take most of the day.

Media outlets who wish to photograph the bell removal should contact Duron Atlantic representatives Paul Matheson (497-3232) or Joe O'Brien (222-2185) today to arrange for a site visit. Safety boots and safety helmets will be required on-site.


John O'Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Larry Oakes
HRM Project Manager
(902) 490-4148

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.