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HRM Signs Biosolids Contract

(Tuesday, November 30/2004) – Mayor Peter Kelly, on behalf of Halifax Regional Council, today officially signed a contract with SGE Acres Limited and Hatch Limited to design, build and commission a biosolids processing facility at AeroTech Park to handle biosolids from the Harbour Solutions Project and existing HRM waste water treatment plants.

The Guaranteed Maximum Price of the future plant is not to exceed $12,240,000 plus net HST. Halifax Regional Council agreed in October to enter into agreements with SGE Acres Limited, Hatch Limited and N-Viro Systems Canada Inc. The signing represents the formalization of the agreements.

Mayor Kelly also signed a contract with N-Viro Systems Canada to operate and maintain the biosolids processing facility for a five year period, beginning in 2006.

Mayor Kelly said “The signing of these agreements completes the last of the three major components of the Harbour Solutions Project. Residents can rest assured the days of raw sewage flowing into our harbour are numbered. The Halifax waste water treatment plant is already under construction and work on the sewage collection system has been underway for over a year.”

Allan Green, president of SGE Acres Limited, said “ SGE Acres is very pleased to have come to a sucessful conclusion to these negotiations. We look forward to working with HRM and its residents toward the completion of the Harbour Solutions Project.”

Terms of the development agreement require SGE Acres Limited to build a facility which will be capable of producing a finished product that meets or exceeds federal requirements for a fertilizer/soil amendment under the Fertilizers Act; provincial requirements for “Class A” product; and it must achieve an Exceptional Quality Class A pathogen reduction material designation under United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations. The marketing and sale of the finished product will also be the responsibility of the operator, N-Viro.

These agreements should enable HRM to complete the Harbour Solutions Project within the original budget of $333 million.

In August 2003, Halifax Regional Council signed a $115.7 million sewage collection system (SCS) infrastructure agreement with Dexter Construction. In June 2004, Council signed agreements worth $133.2 million with D & D Water Solutions Inc. for the design, construction and commissioning of three waste water treatment plants, to be located in Halifax, Dartmouth and Herring Cove.

The Federal government has agreed to contribute $60 million towards the project and the Province of Nova Scotia has agreed to contribute $30 million over a 15-year period, as well as to provide approximately $2 million in required land.

The Halifax waste water treatment plant (WWTP) is scheduled to be operational late summer/fall 2006; Dartmouth WWTP summer 2007; and the Herring Cove WWTP summer 2008.

Ted Tam
Project Manager, Harbour Solutions
(902) 490-6130

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.