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Public Service Announcement

Road Construction - Lower Water Street - Harbour Project

(Friday, November 26, 2004) - On going construction related to the Harbour Solutions Project - Sewage Collection System will necessitate the continued closure of Lower Water St. in front of the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic to vehicular traffic. This closure will take place between Sackville St. and Prince St., 7 days a week, during the hours of 7am and 7pm for a period of approximately 2 weeks. From 7pm - 7am, 1 lane northbound traffic will be available.

Truck traffic servicing the southend of Halifax, the Port asked to use alternative routing. Residents are also asked to use alternative routing.

Residents are also reminded construction on Barrington Street from Kent Street south to the intersection of Inglis St and Victoria Rd. will result in traffic disruptions. Traffic delays can be expected for approximately 4 weeks. Traffic will be limited to single lane stop & go, two way flow.

Traffic control personnel will ensure smooth traffic flow. On site personnel will also maintain communication with local residents and businesses to help minimize impacts.

We apologize for any inconvenience this necessary construction may cause.

For more information call 490-4604 or visit

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James Campbell
Harbour Solutions Office

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.