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Public Service Announcement

(Friday, December 3/2004)-- Registration for HRM’s Winter/Spring recreation programs is now available.

Be sure to sign up now for your favourite recreation and leisure programs as they fill up quickly. There are hundreds to choose from, promising something for everyone of all ages and interests! Winter classes start in January.

If you didn’t receive a recreation catalogue in the mail, call your local recreation centre and one will be sent directly to you. A complete listing of the centres can be found in the blue pages municipal government section of your Aliant telephone directory.

The catalogue can also be viewed on-line, for those who have the internet, at And, you can register immediately using RecConnect, HRM’s new on-line and touch-tone phone registration service. You will need to obtain a PIN (personal identification number) first however, to activate your account. This is a one-time set up.

For more information, or to register for programs visit or call 490-6666.


For more information, please contact:
Robin Boudreau
HRM, Community Recreation Services
PH: (902) 490-6094

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.