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Storm Update #1 - November 14, 2004

(Sunday, November 14/04 12-Noon)-- An early winter storm has left parts of Halifax Regional Municipality and many other areas of Nova Scotia without electricity.

HRM has activated its Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) Operations Centre to help coordinate the delivery of municipal services, as well as to work with other outside agencies to ensure the community is restored to normal operations as soon as possible.

Weather Conditions- HRM has been advised by the local Environment Canada weather office that storm conditions should continue throughout the day, bringing rain, drizzle and ice pellets to most parts of the region. Strong gusting and high winds are expected to continue throughout most of the day.

Burnside Industrial Park- Main power transmission lines through Burnside Park are downed due to the storm. As result, all access roads to Burnside will be closed to traffic as power crews attempt to remove the downed wires. Business owners/operators are advised not to attempt to travel to their businesses and all members of the public are advised not to try to access Burnside Park.
Downed Power Lines- HRP and RCMP caution members of the public to exercise extreme caution if power lines are downed in their neighbourhood. Residents are urged to contact Nova Scotia Power as quickly as possible to report downed lines.

Traffic- Halifax Regional Police and RCMP are urging motorists to remain off streets and roads, except for emergencies. Snow and ice crews are continuing to focus on keeping major arteries, transit routes and hospital routes open. It is unlikely they will be able to make any considerable progress on residential streets until sometime overnight.

Fire hazards/Safety- Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency advise residents to exercise extreme caution if forced to use candles for light and fireplaces/heaters as a source of heat due to power outages. Candles should be kept safely away from children and residents are advised to ensure there is proper ventilation if they are using fireplaces/heaters at all times.

Transit/Ferry Service- Metro Transit is trying to maintain regular weekend service schedules, but riders are advised to expect delays because many of the routes remain impassable due to the heavy snowfall and drifting.

John O’Brien
Corporate Communications officer
(902) 476-3802

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.