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Act Enables As Many As Possible to Vote

(Thursday, October 7/04)-- All electors residing in Halifax Regional Municipality who are not on the voters list are required to:

• provide identification, which shows their name and address (electors vote in the District in which they reside)
• take an oath at the poll,
• and then, the Deputy Returning Officer will provide the elector with a ballot(s) and the elector proceeds to vote.

In The Chronicle Herald today, there is an article which refers to those who are homeless and who may reside in shelters or residences etc., and who may wish to vote.

As stated above, if the elector can produce identification and documentary proof of residence within a polling district, with confirmation from a shelter for the homeless or a Community Service institution, they may take the oath and vote.

The Municipal Elections Act is designed to facilitate residents who want to vote. However, it is the responsibility of the voter to prove that they are qualified to vote (by providing appropriate identification and by swearing the oath).


Jan Gibson
Municipal Clerk
(902) 490-4210

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.