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Kristopher Knowles Cross-Canada Walking Tour

(Thursday, October 7/04) -- Mayor Peter Kelly will greet 14-year-old Kristopher Knowles at City Hall on day 275 of his cross-Canada walking tour aimed at raising awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation.

Students from Queen Elizabeth High School will also be on hand in support of Kristopher, who has been on a waiting list for a liver transplant since he was six months old.

Date: Friday, October 8
Time: Noon to 12:20
Location: Outside City Hall, Grand Parade

For more information on Kristopher’s Wish, visit


John O’Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

George Marcello
Step By Step
(416) 509-5719

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.