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Media Advisory

Harbour Solutions Project - Pipe Bridge Placement

(Thursday, December 16/04)-- A pipe bridge 62 metres long, weighing 55 tons, will be lifted into place as part of ongoing construction related to the Harbour Solutions Project - Sewage Collection System. The lift will be accomplished using a 300 ton crane. The structure is to be mounted adjacent to the bridge over Tower Rd. in southend Halifax.

When: Friday, December 17, 2004

Time: 11:00AM - 1:00PM

Where: Best vantage points can be had from the bridges over Tower Rd. and/or Young Ave. in southend Halifax


James Campbell
Harbour Solutions Project
(902) 490-4604
(902) 476-5885

Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.