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News Release

Three Day Road Closure

Tuesday, November 15, 2004 - On or about November 16th, 2004, construction on Barrington Street from Kent Street south to the intersection of Inglis St and Victoria Rd. will necessitate a 3 day road closure. Access to Green Street and Victoria Road will be for local traffic only.

Following the above noted 3 day closure, construction on Barrington Street from Green Street south to the intersection of Barrington and Inglis Streets will result in traffic disruptions. Traffic delays can be expected for approximately 3-4 weeks. Traffic will be limited to single lane stop & go, two way flow.

Traffic control personnel will ensure smooth traffic flow. On site personnel will also maintain communication with local residents and businesses to help minimize impacts.

We apologize for any inconvenience this necessary Harbour Solutions Project-Sewage Collection System construction may cause.

For more information call 490-4604 or check our website at

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James Campbell
Harbour Solutions Office

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.