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Community Council Wants Tree Issue Clarified

(Wednesday, September 29/04)-- Councillor Gary Meade was simply responding to the wishes of tourism operators along Highway #333 (Peggy’s Cove Road) recently when he suggested the Province reinstate up its tree trimming program along that coastal route to afford tourists a better view of the ocean, according to a member of the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia (TIANS).

Karl Webb, owner of the Havenside Bed and Breakfast, Tantallon, states in a recent e-mail to Judith Cabrita, President of TIANS, that “Most tourism operators on Highway #333 were absolutely in agreement with the proposal made by Gary (Meade), in fact, he was responding to the requests made to him by these tourism operators. I guess my question is: when should TIANS go to the press?”

It added “A while back, Gary Meade talked about the need to do something about the viewshed of Highway #333 to Peggy’s Cove. The next thing that happens is that he is the center of a large article in The (Chronicle) Herald and is held-up as the ‘boogie-man.’ The article even went on to condemn clear-cutting-- which was not any part of Gary’s presentation.”

Mr. Webb stated in his letter to Ms. Cabrita “TIANS was off-base on this article and it will certainly make it more difficult for us ‘tourism officers’ to get the Department of Highways to reinstate their road-trimming program.”

Also, in the August 28, 2004, edition of The Daily News, it was reported that neither the Nova Scotia Tourism Department nor the president of TIANS were aware of any complaints from tourists regarding the views from the Peggy’s Cove Road.

Ms. Cabrita was quoted in that article as saying “What might be better is to identify the beautiful views and then have some look-offs and turn-offs where people could actually stop and really enjoy it, rather than tearing down the trees.”

Members of the Western Region Community Council requested at their September 27, 2004, meeting that HRM issue a news release to clarify Mr. Meade’s role in this matter.

John O’Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.