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District 22 TOWN HALL MEETINGS Planned

(Wednesday, March 16/05)-- The first of a series of Town Hall meetings planned by Councillor Reg Rankin for the residents of District 22 will take place next week in Glen Margaret.

The meetings will allow the Councillor to personally brief residents on current municipal issues in their area and provide an opportunity for feedback . Citizens will be encouraged to pass along any thoughts, ideas, comments or concerns they may have regarding any local government issue in the District.

Councilor Rankin (Timberlea-Prospect) has also asked staff members from various HRM business units to attend the meetings as an information resource.

When: Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Time:    7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Where: William Black United Church Hall
             Glen Margaret
             10507 Peggy’s Cove Road

Who:      Residents in the area of: Glen Margaret, Indian Harbour, West Dover, Peggy’s Cove and Hackett’s Cove.
Councillor Reg Rankin
HRM staff members

Agenda: Open

Councillor Rankin will be hosting a number of Town Hall meetings in other areas of District 22 over the next several months.


Councillor Reg Rankin
(902) 499-3744




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.