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Public Service Announcement

Public invited to Participate in Second Annual Urban Design Awards

(Monday, April 11, 2005) - Halifax Regional Municipality is pleased to acknowledge and promote the contributions that property and business owners, architects, landscape architects, artists and designers make toward the improvement of the downtown area, by way of the 2005 Capital District Urban Design Awards.

Twenty two submissions featuring projects located throughout the business communities within the Capital District have been submitted. Projects were received in all categories which include Buildings: New Construction; Buildings: Restoration; Amenities and Public Open Spaces. A jury will be choosing Awards of Excellence and Awards of Merit for each category. Projects are now on display at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (AGNS) during regular Gallery hours.

The public is invited to drop by the AGNS and fill in a ballot for their favourite submission to help designate the People’s Choice Award. This award is presented to the one submission which impacts most positively on the Capital District by enhancing the urban scene, which is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood and helps enhance the notion of a livable city through innovation & creativity, safety and universal design.

The Awards Ceremony & Reception will be held on Thursday, April 28 starting at 5:30 PM at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.

For more information, please call 490-6735.



Marion Currie
Capital District Project Coordinator




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.