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Plant Capacity To Limit Future Growth

(Tuesday, April 12/05)-- Halifax Regional Municipality has been advised by the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment and Labour that it cannot support a planned expansion of an HRM sewage treatment plant because of the potential impact on the Nile Mile River in the Timberlea area.

Recent studies commissioned by HRM have shown that in the summer, there isn’t enough water in the Nine Mile River to allow more treated effluent to be discharged into the river.
The decision not to support a plant expansion was made by the Province after reviewing the study results.

HRM is consulting with the Province to ensure that new serviced (water and/or sewer) development in the area does not exceed the local sewage treatment plant’s approved capacity. However, serviced development will be allowed to proceed on all existing approved building lots, as well as the subdivision of lots capable of being serviced by an existing sewer main. However, all other requirements, such as street frontage and lot area, must be met.

The treatment plant, which services the Timberlea, Lakeside, and Beechville communities, was commissioned in 1984 and complies with the terms of its license granted by the Province. New provincial dilution guidelines were brought in after the plant was built, so its capacity is limited to the number of existing building lots now approved and new in-fill lots.

Paul Dunphy, HRM Director of Planning and Development, said “All current subdivision applications will be permitted to proceed. These changes will not have any impact on existing residential homeowners. At the current rate of construction in this area, there is a seven year supply of building lots. When added to the area’s current flow, the plant will be brought to the limit of its licenced capacity.”

District 22 Councillor Reg Rankin (Hammonds Plains-Timberlea) has asked HRM staff to explore alternatives to treating sewage from the remaining unapproved lands within the long-established service boundary.

Councillor Rankin said “The Timberlea, Lakeside, and Beechville communities will have ample opportunity for public discussion about any proposed changes to the service boundary that may come forward."


Councillor Reg Rankin

(902) 499-3744

Paul Dunphy
Director, Planning and Development
(902) 490-4933

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.