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HRM Receives Environmental Award

(Wednesday, April 20, 2005) - Halifax Regional Municipality was recently recognized for its outstanding efforts in waste management education.

Dan English, Deputy CAO for HRM, accepted the RRFB Nova Scotia Mobius Environmental Award for Waste Management Education on behalf of HRM at a banquet held in Dartmouth on April 12th.

“HRM continues to lead the way in environmental sustainability,” says Mr. English. “This award confirms that as a municipality we’re making great progress in preserving the environment and, further, encourages us to strive to achieve an even higher level of waste diversion.”

In 2003, HRM and RRFB Nova Scotia funded a waste characterization study, which determined that many recyclable and compostable materials were still being land filled. As a result, HRM challenged residents and businesses in the region to increase diversion by 10%.

“There are still many citizens who do not recycle and compost at home or at work,” explains Jim Bauld, Manager of Solid Waste Resources for HRM. “The public awareness campaigns along with targeted education and enforcement measures have started to increase participation in recycling and composting and have provided a greater understanding of the importance of individual responsibility. Recycling and composting is the law in the HRM. All residents are encouraged to take the 10% Challenge and by recycling and composting more, reduce by one the number of refuse bags collected bi-weekly. ”

For the convenience of citizens during their work day the HRM recently installed new recycling and composting containers in the Capital District which will divert additional waste from the landfill.

For more information on how to start recycling and composting at your home or workplace, please contact us at 490-4000 or send us an email at

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.