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2005 Capital District Urban Design Award Winners Announced

(May 2, 2005) - The Halifax Regional Municipality Capital District held its annual Urban Design Awards Ceremony & Reception on Thursday, April 28 at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia to announced this year’s winners.

In an effort to showcase and celebrate excellence in design, four categories were identified, including building design: new construction, building design: restoration, elements and amenities, and public open space design. Twenty two submissions were submitted from across the Capital District in all categories. As well, 120 ballots were filled out to designate a “People’s Choice” recipient; the one project chosen for having the most dramatic impact on the Capital District of all the submissions.

In addition, this year was the first year for a new category, the Civic Pride Award, where
each Business Improvement District within the Capital District developed a process to determine which business, resident or property owner best communicates pride in maintaining the exterior of their property by way of creative landscaping and ongoing maintenance. Marion Currie, Capital District Project Coordinator states, “We are very excited about this new category and hope there is a great deal of competition for it in the future. Overall, we were very pleased with the level of participation in the awards, the quality of the submissions received and the overwhelming response to the People’s Choice vote.”

Councillor Dawn Sloane and CBC Radio host Olga Milosevich presented the awards to the winners in each category. Both the Award of Excellence and the Honourable Mention Award in the Building Design: New Construction category were presented to Niall Savage Architecture for the Creighton Gerrish Development and the Music Room on Lady Hammond Road. The Award of Excellence for the Building Design: Restoration was presented to Janet Morris for Waldon Square, 5415 to 5425 Portland Place with Honourable Mention going to The Henry House Restaurant & Pub.

The Old Triangle Irish Ale House was presented the Award of Excellence in the Elements & Amenities category while Honourable Mention was presented to the Clay Café. Vollick, McKee Petersmann and Associates Ltd. Public received the Award of Excellence for Public Open Space Design for the resstoration of Public Gardens, while Honourable Mention was presented to the Waterfront Development Corporation Limited for the Dartmouth Waterfront Trail from the Woodside Ferry Terminal to Cuisack Street.

“The People’s Choice Award once again created a great deal of discussion and debate, which was precisely what we set out to acheive” says Currie. “Staff from the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia stated that people had a hard time choosing the one project which had the greatest over all impact on the Capital District. This speaks to the quality of the projects submitted.” In the end, the votes for People’s Choice identified the project team of Vollick McKee Petersmann and Associates Limited for the restoration of Public Gardens.

Finally, Civic Pride Awards were presented to Lisa Scott & Toby Balch for 64 Queen Street in Dartmouth; Victor Syperek for 1661-1663 Argyle Street in Halifax; and Scout Canada Nova Scotia Council, 6232 Quinpool Road. The Spring Garden & Area Business Association found it difficult to choose between two different business owners on Spring Garden Road. Therefore, two Civic Pride Awards were presented to Jennifer’s of Nova Scotia and Mills Brothers.

The HRM hopes this program continues to provid a foundation for new ideas and a forum for raising public debate and discussion around excellence in design, which is seen as fundamental to the future vision of the region. As the Urban Design Awards are an annual event, the HRM looks forward to viewing the submissions which they hope to receive this time next year.


Marion Currie
Capital District Project Coordinator

Jacqueline Hamilton
Capital District Manager

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.