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Details of New Playground Project to be Discussed

(Monday, May 16/2005)-- Councillor Debbie Hum (District 16 Rockingham-Wentworth) and HRM staff will hold an information meeting on Wednesday for area residents to view plans and provide feedback on the $120,000 renovation project to the D.J. Butler playground.

Councillor Hum has been working with the Rockingham Residents Association to secure the necessary funding for the project. So far, $104,000 of the $120,000 total cost of the playground improvements has been secured.

The Councillor has committed $25,000 from the Building Communities Fund for district playground and recreation initiatives; HRM has budgeted $25,000; and the Rockingham Residents' Association has secured grants from Nova Scotia Sport and Recreation for $30,000, the Kinsmen Club for $15,000, and the Capital District Health Authority for $4,000.

The residents association is awaiting word on whether a proposal to Saturn Canada for funding has been approved. The group has also committed to a $5000 fund-raising campaign towards the playground improvements.

“The Rockingham Residents Association has shown tremendous leadership and initiative by working diligently to secure the necessary funding for this playground project,” said Councillor Hum. “ They have worked closely with HRM staff to move this project ahead. It has been a partnership all the way and they have made my role in this community initiative that much easier.”

Renee Field, Rockingham Residents' Association Vice-President and Chair of the Playground Committee, said "The community spirit and support we received to make this project a reality has been overwhelming."

When: Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: D.J. Butler playground (off Flamingo Drive, Bridgeview Subdivision).

In case of inclement weather, the meeting will be moved to the Rockingham Community Center, 199 Bedford Highway.


Councillor Debbie Hum
490-6807 (office) and 476-7212 (cell)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.