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Councillors Want Noisy Mufflers Outlawed

(Wednesday, May 18/2005)-- Two Councillors representing downtown Districts today called for support of a Bill that would give police more power to deal with the growing problem of loud mufflers on vehicles.

Councillors Dawn Sloane (District 12-Halifax Downtown) and Sue Uteck (District 13-Northwest Arm-South End) urged all members of the Legislature to support a Private Member’s Bill empowering police to take action, through an amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act.

The Bill, introduced by Liberal MLA Diana Whalen (Halifax-Clayton Park), would set prescribed acceptable decibel levels for noise emanating from an exhaust system; outlaw mufflers that do not meet these levels; and give police authority to measure decibel levels and to ticket violators.

Councillor Sloane said “It’s getting worse and worse, especially in the summer. I have residents calling me at all hours of the night complaining about noisy motorcycles and vehicles roaring up and down the streets. It’s got to stop and the police need the power to stop it.”

Councillor Uteck said “It’s becoming so bad on Young Avenue and roads leading to Point Pleasant Park that we may have to start closing the park earlier to discourage these noise-makers with their hopped up cars making life miserable for everybody.”

Both Councillors commended MLA Whalen for introducing the Bill and both urged residents to call their MLA, especially those on the government side of the House, to pass this amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act during this session of the Legislature.


Councillor Dawn Sloane
(902) 488-4812

Councillor Sue Uteck
(902) 221-7651

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.