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Media Advisory

Councillor Seeks Public Input on Future of Community Centre

(Friday, May 27/2005)-- Councillor Debbie Hum and HRM staff want to hear the views of area residents regarding the future of the Rockingham Community Centre. A public meeting is scheduled for Monday evening.

Councillor Hum and staff from Recreation, Tourism and Culture and Real Property and Asset Management have been working with the Board of Directors and the community during the past year-and-a-half to determine the best path forward for the Centre.

There are a number of challenges facing the facility, such as high operating costs; annual operational deficit; costly capital improvements required; and low community participation in programs.

Councillor Hum said “The public meeting this Monday night will determine the needs of the community and their vision for the facility and the site. This is the second such meeting we’ve held this year, and it’s important because it will determine how we move forward. Do residents want us to revamp the present centre and its programs; close it and consider new uses for the site; or establish new partnerships with the community to develop the site as another community resource? We hope to get as many residents as possible out to this meeting.”

When:   Monday, May 30, 2005

Time:     7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Where:  Rockingham Community Centre, 199 Bedford Highway


Councillor Debbie Hum
(902) 476-7212

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.