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Public Service Announcement

Open House at Sir Sandford Fleming Park

(Wednesday, June 1/05)-- The Friends of Sir Sandford Fleming Park, in co-operation with Halifax Regional Municipality, are hosting a public open house at the park this Sunday. Events will take place rain or shine.

The Adventure Earth Centre on Parkhill Road will be open to the public, with informational displays organized by the Friends and with the participation of the Mainland South Heritage Society and the Urban Farm Museum Society. Free refreshments will be available at the Centre.

Guided walking tours of historic Sir Sandford Fleming Park and of the Frog Pond will be offered throughout the day. The tours are free, but pre-registration is required.

The Friends are delighted that 2841 Halifax Rifles, Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, will participate in a park clean-up earlier the same day as part of the annual spring program, “Cadets Caring for Canada”. Visitors to Fleming Park Day are also encouraged to make sure that they leave the park as they found it.

The Friends of Sir Sandford Fleming Park is a volunteer, non-profit group. Their mandate is to be the voice of the park from historical, ecological, and recreational perspectives. The society’s goal is to involve the community in  supporting the good condition of the park through participation as volunteers.

When:    Sunday, June 5, 2005

Time:      11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Where:    Sir Sandford Fleming Park (Parkhill Road (The Dingle)


Councillor Linda Mosher
(902) 476-4117

For further information about Fleming Park Day, please contact Joy Pennick at 477-4760 or by email at
To register for the guided walking tours of Dingle Park or of the Frog Pond , call 490-4539.

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.