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News Release

HRM Invites Citizens to Participate in On-Line Discussion Forum on Draft Regional Plan

(Tuesday, July 5/05)-- The Halifax Regional Municipality Regional Planning Project Office has launched a new e-consultation bulletin board on the HRM website called “Engage HRM”. Residents can post their comments, provide feedback on the draft Regional Plan, suggest solutions for improvements to draft policies, read the views of others and communicate directly with other bulletin board users. This interactive discussion forum can be found at along with directions on how to register and participate. The chapter of the Regional Plan that contains the background for the topic being discussed is also available on the site. Many people have visited the forum to express their views and HRM encourages you to take this opportunity to “get engaged” in a discussion on the future development and growth of your community. HRM is planning to use “Engage HRM” to provide a forum for future discussions on other subjects of interest to the citizens of HRM.


Deborah Story
Corporate Communications Office

Susan Corser
Regional Planning Project

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.