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Fire Code Violations, Air Quality Issues Force Temporary Building Closure

(Wednesday, July 13/05)-- Halifax Regional Municipality today ordered the temporary closure of the Common Building on the Bloomfield Centre site in north end Halifax due to air quality issues and a number of Fire Code violations.

HRM has engaged Maritime Testing to provide environmental services to review and comment on Bloomfield Centre.

Results of their investigations over the last few weeks have indicated that some building materials contain lead (paint) and asbestos (plaster). The overall dampness in the building has contributed to mould growth throughout the building which can be seen in the basement. To reduce the risk of exposure to tenants, the building is being closed until the situation can be further evaluated.

Tenants of the building-- the Citadel Boxing Club and the Bloomfield Arts Society- were informed of the conditions and were advised to vacate the building as of noon today. Further testing will be carried out and those results should be known in about two weeks.

HRM Real Property and Asset Management Services has been working with all tenants of the Bloomfield Centre for more than a year, as the municipality assesses the condition of the three aging buildings and estimate costs of remediation to bring forward to Regional Council.

Air quality experts and Fire Service officials will be meeting with tenants of the Common Building, which dates back to 1919, later this week to give a more detailed briefing on the condition of the building and the next steps in the review process.


John O’Brien
Corporate Communications Officer
(902) 490-6531

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.