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Boating Safety An Issue on Kearney Lake

(Friday, July 22/05)-- Councillor Debbie Hum is concerned about the growing number of complaints regarding reckless boating practices on Kearney Lake.

Councillor Hum reminds boaters, particularly those on sea-doos, to drive responsibility and to exercise extreme caution in areas where swimmers may be present.

“Summer weather has arrived and Kearney Lake residents and visitors have witnessed many incidents. In some cases sea-doos have been driven flagrantly at high speeds, and coming precariously close to shoreline near swimmers, the public beach area and Maskwa.Canoe Club,” she said. “Boaters should be just as careful driving their water craft, as they should be driving a motor vehicle. There are safety regulations for the operation of small craft and police are able to issue tickets to those violating those regulations,” she said.

Councillor Hum said police have the authority under various pieces of legislation to warn or charge persons who are operating a small motor craft in a dangerous manner on a lake.

In addition, Halifax Regional Municipality, on a motion by Regional Council, applied close to two years ago to the Office of Boating Safety, Canadian Coast Guard, requesting that federal Boating Restrictions be enacted for Lake Banook, Lake MicMac and Kearney Lake.

In addition, Council endorsed support for a Nova Scotia Government application for a province-wide speed restriction within 30 metres of the shoreline on inland waterways to the Office of Boating Safety, Canadian Coast Guard.

Federal approval is still pending on both applications.
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Councillor Debbie Hum
(902) 476-7212

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.