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Five Winning Plans for Point Pleasant Park

(Wednesday, July 27, 2005) - The five winners of Stage One of the Point Pleasant Park International Design Competition will be announced at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday, July 31 in the Harbour Suite (A and B) of the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel. The winners' submissions will be on display. The announcement is preceded by a buffet breakfast at 10.00 a.m. to which the media is invited.

A member of the jury will explain the basis of their choices, and Dr. Jim Spatz and HRM's Real Property Planning Manager, Peter Bigelow will be available to answer questions about all aspects of the competition.

The five winners (who receive a prize of $5,000 each) will refine and develop their proposals for a master plan for the regeneration, restoration and renewal of Point Pleasant Park as Stage Two of the competition. From these a final winner will be chosen, and will receive a prize of $50,000. More information about Stage Two and the timing of subsequent work will be available Sunday.

The jurors are John Abel, director of design and land use of the National Capital Commission, Ottawa; Bernard Bormann, principal forest ecologist with the US Forest Service; Peter Jacobs, professor of landscape architecture at the Ecole d'architecture de Paysage, Université de Montréal; Mark Laird, senior lecturer in landscape architecture at the Harvard Design School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and John Zvonar, a conservation landscape architect with Public Works, Canada.

More information about all aspects of the competition, including the competition brief, can be found at the website

The competition is a joint venture of Halifax Regional Municipality and SouthWest Properties Ltd.
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For further information about this event contacts are -
Anne West

Kim Borgal

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.