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Major Upgrades to Shubenacadie Waterway

(HALIFAX, August 30, 2005)-- The Shubenacadie Waterway, the historic route that provided a common transportation link to many communities between Halifax Harbour and the Cobequid Bay, is undergoing considerable improvements this summer, thanks to funding by Halifax Regional Municipality and the Government of Nova Scotia.

HRM is currently finalizing replication of Lock 1, at the outlet from Lake Banook, and staff are also working with the Shubenacadie Canal Commission regarding increased use of, and public access to, the Fairbanks Centre, which is adjacent to Lock 3.

The government of Nova Scotia, through the Department of Natural Resources, has provided more than $250,000 for improvements to Lock 3 and the Portobello Water Control Structure.

Natural Resources Minister Richard Hurlburt, who has taken a keen interest in the canal system and waterway, said, Hurlbert, who has taken a keen interest in the canal system and waterway, says "The waterway is a provincial treasure and an important part of the history of Nova Scotia, which presents opportunities for education, economic development and recreation along its entire length. The Nova Scotia government is pleased to support the efforts of the Shubenacadie Canal Commission, leading to improved opportunities for residents and communities along the waterway.”

District 6 Councillor Andrew Younger has initiated a public consultation process leading to preparation of a long-term development plan for Shubie Park, which is located on the waterway between Lake Micmac and Lake Charles.

“In addition to funding upgrades at Lock 1, HRM is committed to working with the Shubenacadie Canal Commission and the community during the evolution of the long-term plan for the park,” he says. “The corridor from Dartmouth Cove through to Waverley-- the area in which Shubie Park is located-- has been identified as an important recreation corridor in the proposed HRM Regional Plan.”

The Shubenacadie Canal Commission is made up of volunteers appointed by the Province and the Halifax Regional Municipality. The Commission is currently implementing a number of projects as part of its long-term strategy to rejuvenate the canal system, which are designed to enhance the historical features of the waterway.

(See project descriptions)

Lock 3–Total project cost, including engineering design and construction supervision, is approximately $260, 000.

The lock, which is adjacent to the Fairbanks Centre, is being stabilized. This will provide improved viewing opportunities of the lock, as well as greater public safety.
The work involves:

• removal of vegetation from wall joints;
• retrieval of wall stones within the lock;
• pointing and grouting cut stone walls in the area of the mitre gates (including new wall stones as required);
• removal of the existing wooden fence and the installation of a decorative metal fence;
• removal of vegetation within 20 feet of the lock.

This work will allow future installation of new operable mitre gates at the lower end of the lock and a new falling leaf gate at the upper end of the lock, which would make it operational. Initially, the lock would be used for demonstration purposes, but in the long-term ( with similar improvements on lock 2), small boats could pass from Lake Micmac through to Lake Charles.

Portobello Water Control Structure - Total project cost, including engineering design and construction supervision, is approximately $45,000.

The structure is located at the top of the inclined plane, between Lake Charles and Lake William. It will raise the water level in the pond at the top of the inclined plane to a point (the old beaver dam) south of Route # 118. This will remove a difficult portage for canoeists and improve paddling between Lake Charles and Lake William.


Councillor Andrew Younger
(902) 476-1727

Bernard Hart
Chair, Shubenacadie Canal Commissions
(902) 233-1157

Mary Anna Jollymore
N.S. Department of Natural Resources
(902) 424-2354




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.