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District 12 Residents to Honour Heroine

(Thursday, September 1/05)-- Councillor Dawn Sloane will be presenting a local heroine with a certificate of appreciation from the residents of District 12 for saving a senior citizen from drowning in Halifax Harbour last week.

In addition, Councillor Sloane is urging the Nova Scotia Department of Health or the Emergency Medical Care to cancel or write-off the $120 bill Maureen Riley received for being transported by ambulance to hospital for a medical examination emergency responders insisted she needed.

“This woman showed tremendous bravery and courage by jumping into the waters of Halifax Harbour and keeping a distressed senior afloat until help could arrive..and she’s rewarded with an ambulance bill for $120 for her efforts,” Councillor Sloane said. “What are people in other parts of Canada going to think about us when they hear this kind of pettiness? We should be thanking this woman, not sending her a bill for an ambulance ride she didn’t want.”


Councillor Dawn Sloane




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.