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News Release

District 8 Councillor Becky Kent, Thanks Residents and Police for Handling of Wednesday Night Incident in Woodside Area

(Thursday, September 15, 2005) Councillor Becky Kent, District 8, Woodside-Eastern Passage, would like to thank the Halifax Regional Police and the residents of the Woodside neighbourhood where a domestic dispute led to several hours of trauma as police responded to an incident stemming from a domestic dispute.

“I wish to commend the Halifax Regional Police for their quick response and effective handling of the situation and the residents in the area for responding quickly to police instruction during this traumatic event”, said Councillor Kent. “Also, I wish to express my appreciation to Debbie Morris who opened up the Woodside Community Centre to accept evacuees should the situation require it and the Red Cross for their preparedness to assist any residents displaced from their homes. I am thankful that we had resources in our community to act in a timely and responsible manner and the situation was resolved with a positive outcome.”

Fortunately, the situation ended peacefully and the man exited the home on his own and was taken into custody by the police.

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Councillor Becky Kent
District 8 - Woodside - Eastern Passage

Deborah Story
Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.