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HRM Seeking Input from Community at Public Meeting for Proposed New East Dartmouth Community Centre

(Tuesday, September 20, 2005) Councillor Andrew Younger, East Dartmouth - The Lakes, is pleased to announce that a public information meeting will be held to discuss plans for the proposed East Dartmouth Community Centre to be built in District 6.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 21 at Caledonia Junior High School, Caledonia Road, Dartmouth at 7:00pm.

The meeting is open to anyone interested in providing feedback on the project. This event will be an opportunity to hear from members of the community association who have been working with the Councillor and staff to co-ordinate plans for this facility. As well, HRM staff will be on hand to discuss the next steps as the project moves towards the final design and construction phases.

“We are now well on the way to making this project a reality,” says Councillor Younger. “Since January, the efforts of the volunteer board members and council have moved this project closer to completion than at any time in the history of this project.”

Work on the East Dartmouth Community Centre has been ongoing for more than 15 years in various forms, however, funding has often stymied previous efforts. In January 2005 a new board of community members was formed to lead the project to completion. As a result, and seeing this project was likely to become a reality, the 2005 HRM Capital Budget, endorsed by Regional Council, included funding of $1 million specifically for this project. This was in addition to $100,000 previously announced as seed money which was allocated based on the Indoor Recreation Masterplan initiated by Recreation, Tourism, and Culture.



Councillor Andrew Younger
District 6, East Dartmouth - The Lakes

Deborah Story
Corporate Communications




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.