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Immigration Action Plan to Make HRM a More Welcoming Community

(Thursday, September 22, 2005) - HRM is working toward becoming a more welcoming community for immigrants. The municipality released its Immigration Action Plan recently, which will begin to address many of the challenges faced by diverse communities in HRM.

Mayor Peter Kelly and Halifax Regional Council are optimistic about the plan’s success. “This Action Plan has been developed in consultation with business, government, not-for-profit organizations, immigrant settlement organizations and immigrants themselves,” said Kelly. “It outlines a series of immediate and medium to long-term recommendations that HRM will be implementing.”

From citizenship ceremonies to HRM website improvements, fulfilling the recommendations of this Action Plan will increase accessibility to HRM services and ensure municipal employees are representative of the diverse community they serve.

Claudette Legault, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association believes the Action Plan is a much needed step in the right direction, “Immigrants will play a vital role in our region’s future social, economic and cultural success. We are pleased to see HRM putting forward a plan to make our community a more welcoming one to newcomers.”

Mayor Kelly said “The Action Plan demonstrates that HRM is moving forward in a positive direction and shows its commitment to making the municipality a warm and welcoming community.”

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Deborah Story
Corporate Communications - HRM
(902) 490-6787




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.