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News Release

Municipal Archivist Hired

(Friday, September 23, 2005) -Susan McClure has been hired Halifax Regional Municipality’s first Municipal Archivist.

Ms. McClure brings more than a decade of experience in government archives and involvement in the Canadian archival community. She graduated from the Masters of Archival Studies program at the University of British Columbia, then worked at the Yukon Archives before joining the Archives of Ontario, first as an Archivist then as an Information Policy Analyst.

Since moving to Halifax last year following her partner’s posting to Dalhousie University, Susan has worked on the Council of Nova Scotia Archives’ Archway Committee and at the Dalhousie University Archives.

In 2004, the Nova Scotia Archives returned an important body of municipal records to HRM. The records include those created by the former cities of Halifax and Dartmouth, the former Town of Bedford and the former Halifax County, dating back as far as 1841. The archival material will complete the records management program already in operation at HRM

Immediate plans call for the formal establishment of the Municipal Archives, an official opening of facilities adjacent to the HRM Records Centre in Burnside, and the development of an access strategy for this important historical and cultural resource.

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John O’Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications
(902) 490-6531




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