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Public Service Announcement

Construction Work Disturbs Rat’s Nest

(Monday, October 3/05)-- Residents in the south Woodside area of Dartmouth are advised to ensure organics and other waste materials are stored in proper containers and to keep basement windows and doors closed to prevent rodents from possibly entering their homes.

It is believed excavation for the new Highway 111 Interchange may have disturbed a large nest of rats on the site of a former pig farm in the area and the rodents may attempt to re-settle in nearby neighbourhoods.

Councillor Becky Kent (District 8-Woodside-Eastern Passage) is working with HRM staff, the contractor and the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment to take appropriate steps to control, and hopefully eliminate, the rodent problem.

Councillor Kent said the neighbourhoods most affected include between Irving and Everett Streets, and in and around Grant Street in south Woodside.

She has requested HRM to bait for rodents on municipally-owned property in the affected area, as well as in local sewers and catch basins. HRM cannot bait on private property, so residents experiencing rodent problems will have to make their own arrangements.


Councillor Beck Kent
(902) 476-1836




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.