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HRM Introducing New Online Service Request

(Friday, October 14/05)---- HRM residents are now able to report burned out street lamps or dangerous potholes in their area through the Internet.

Citizens may request a limited number of services or access information by simply logging on to the HRM website, and filling out an online service request form. Initially, services offered range from reporting a litter problem to requesting the removal of a household appliance, such as a stove or refrigerator, no longer in use. It’s quick, easy and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Citizens will still have the option of contacting HRM for service requests or information by calling the Corporate Call Centre at 490-4000, or by visiting one of the many walk-in customer service centres in the region. They can also access information from the municipality’s website.

Mayor Peter Kelly will give a demonstration of the online service at a news conference on:

When:    Monday, October 17, 2005

Time:      10:30am

Where:    Media Room, Lower Level City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street

Members of the media are invited to attend this demonstration.

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John O’Brien
Manager, HRM Corporate Communications
(902) 490-6531




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.