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Water Lot Infilling Hot Topic Along Northwest Arm

(Tuesday, November 8/05)-- Councillor Linda Mosher said today she is concerned there could be a run on applications for new development on pre-Confederation water lots along the Northwest Arm unless the federal government quickly places a moratorium on approvals until proposed new HRM regulations can be considered.

Councillors Mosher and Sue Uteck, who represent Districts on both sides of the Northwest Arm, are holding another public meeting tomorrow evening to deal with the controversial issue of water lot infilling and related development.

Councillor Mosher said she understands there is one application in now for approval of a new structure on a water lot and there could be more as property owners move quickly to get ahead of any new regulations the federal government and the municipality may impose.

Councillor Mosher, Chair of the Chebucto Community Council, has already written to federal Fisheries Minister Geoff Regan asking him to impose a moratorium on water lot infill approvals until residents have had the opportunity to review and provide input into the proposed new HRM planning regulations.

Although infilling of pre-Confederation water lots now requires federal approval, property owners along the Northwest Arm may be impacted in future by the proposed new municipal regulations.

When: Wednesday, November 9, 2005.

Time: 7 p.m.

Where: St. James Anglican Church Hall, Armdale Rotary, Halifax


Councillor Linda Mosher




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