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News Release

Prospect Road Community Complex – One Step Closer

(November 30, 2005) - Planning has begun for a community and recreation facility that will service communities along the Prospect Road from Goodwood to West Dover.

HRM’s 2002 Indoor Recreation Facilities Master Plan recommends a thorough review of the needs and requirements of a community facility for the Prospect Area. “In developing this plan, the Prospect Road community made a strong case that a complex was needed to fill a recreational-need gap along Route 333,” said Reg Rankin, Councillor for Timberlea-Prospect. ”By working with the community, we hope to fill that gap over the next three-five years.”

A steering committee comprised of community residents and HRM representatives has been struck to oversee the development and implementation process. The first step in the process is to conduct a needs assessment to determine just exactly what type of facility will best meet the overall needs of the community.

"The Steering Committee has determined the parameters to begin its work. The critical step is to hear from as many community residents as possible before moving too far forward in the planning process, ' said Don Horne, Co-Chair, Prospect Road Community Complex Steering Committee. "This community input is essential to the facility's overall development process.”

In response to a request for proposals, DMA Planning and Management Services has been awarded the contract to conduct the needs assessment. Community consultation will take place in early 2006 and the assessment report is expected to be received by the steering committee in March 2006.

“The process will take some time, but it will be worth the wait,” said Horne. “The Steering Committee is focused on having the doors of the new facility open as soon as it is practically possible.”

Five phases have been identified for the planning and implementation process. They include: Phase I - Needs Assessment; Phase II – Site Selection, Phase III – Planning; Phase IV – Construction; and Phase V – Official Opening. It is expected that Phase I, the Needs Assessment, will be completed by March 2006.

The Prospect Road Community Complex Steering Committee is a volunteer committee comprised of Prospect Road area representatives and HRM staff. Its mission is “Working together to build a facility that meets the overall recreational needs of the communities from Goodwood to West Dover”.

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Julia Watt, Chair

Prospect Road Community Complex Communications Committee

Prospect Road Community Complex
Steering Committee
Our Community ‘Building’ Together

  • In 2003, 250 people attended a public meeting to discuss the need for a community facility to service the Prospect Road area. As a result, a Committee was struck in August 2005 in response to a call for applications issued by Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) in June 2005. It is a volunteer Committee comprised of Prospect Road area representatives and HRM staff. The Committee members include:

Community Representatives HRM Representatives

Barb Allen Reg Rankin
Susan Batchilder Doug Branscombe
Sylvia Carlton Darren Hirtle
Rhonda Dea
Don Horne
Dave McDonald
Lisa Mullin
Lindsay Rice
Julia Watt

  • The Committee began meeting in September 2005 and has used the first few meetings to: set up sub-committees; establish protocols and terms of reference; and obtain background information about the project.
  • The Committee meeting process is intended to be public and anyone may attend meetings as an observer.
  • Meeting notices, agendas and minutes will be posted on the Resource Opportunities Centre’s website ( The Committee will also hold public information sessions at key stages of the planning and implementation process.
  • If anyone wishes to present to the Committee or to speak to an agenda item, notice must be given to the committee prior to the meeting by e-mailing Barb Allen at or Dave MacDonald at, or by calling Lisa Mullin at 852-5213. There is also opportunity for other community residents to participate in project-specific activities, which will be outlined on the website as they become available.




Above content last modified Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:06pm.