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Media Advisory

Councillor Urges Media to Leave Dixon At Peace

(Thursday, March 9/06)-- Councillor Becky Kent today issued a plea to the media to please respect the privacy of the family and friends of the late Kerri-Lea Dixon at this most difficult time.

The 12-year-old Kerri-Lea Dixon was buried earlier this week. Halifax RCMP have confirmed that Daniel Secord, 43, reportedly a trusted family friend who was also found dead in his home, murdered Kerri-Lea and then killed himself.

Councillor Kent said the family had contacted her and asked her to request the media to respect their privacy and give them some space during their period of mourning.

“This is a tragic time for everyone and will require great strength and resolve to move forward and heal. It is a time when family and loved ones need their privacy to face the days ahead,” she said.


Councillor Becky Kent
District 8 (Woodside-Eastern {Passage)
(902) 476-1836




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.