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Public Service Announcement

Halifax Dartmouth Natal Day Celebrations

(Tuesday, July 18, 2006) - Halifax – Dartmouth: Natal Day is fast approaching and the Alexander Keith’s Natal Day Festival Committee invites all citizens to come out and celebrate! From Thursday, August 3 through Monday, August 7, Halifax and Dartmouth will come alive with an exciting array of activities for people of all ages. For more information on our live entertainment, family activities, firework shows, and the exciting Natal Day Parade over the Macdonald Bridge, please visit our website at triple w dot natal day dot org or by phoning the events line at 490-6776.



Clyde Paul 479-4092
Chair, Alexander Keith’s Natal Day Steering Committee

Jenn Ross 490-6773
Natal Day Coordinator




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.