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Public Service Announcement

Natal Day on Lake Banook

(Thursday, July 20, 2006) - Halifax – Dartmouth: It’s back!! Thanks to the support of our presenting sponsor AP Reid Insurance Stores, Natal Day on Lake Banook is back for another exciting day of family fun. Come join us on Prince Albert Road Sunday, Monday, August 7 starting at 12 o’clock noon for a fun and exciting day featuring live music, food, family activities, and a fireworks extravaganza you won’t want to miss. For more information on this event or any other Alexander Keith’s Natal Day Festival event please visit our website at triple w dot natal day dot org or by phoning the events line at 490-6776.



Clyde Paul 479-4092
Chair, Alexander Keith’s Natal Day Festival Committee

Jenn Ross 490-6773
Natal Day Coordinator Chair, Alexander Keith’s Natal Day Festival Committee




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.