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HRM Being Judged Today

(Monday, July 24/06)-- Judges for this year’s Communities in Bloom competition are in HRM today to visit a number of sites nominated by the municipality.

Judges Maurice Baren, Manchester, England, and Margaret Stinson, Guelph, Ontario, will be touring the various sites this morning and afternoon, as well as having lunch at the gazebo in the Halifax Public Gardens.

Site visits include:

10:30 a.m. Urban Forestry Presentation
Brian Whelan and John Simmons, Point Pleasant Park

11:30 a.m. Walking tour of the Public Gardens
Tour given by Helen MacLean, HRM Gardener and representatives of the N.S. Garden Association Volunteers

Noon Lunch - Public Gardens Gazebo

01:30 p.m. Black Cultural Center
proposed bed in honour of Rosa Parks, Youth Project.
Youth Volunteers to be present

National judges with the Communities in Bloom will rate HRM on urban forestry, landscaped areas, floral displays, turf and groundcover areas, environmental effort, heritage preservation, and community involvement.

They meet with front line staff, volunteers and community representatives; attend social functions; and receive briefings from business unit leaders on topics of environmental awareness, heritage preservation, and HRM corporate programs.
Communities in Bloom is a non-profit Canadian organization that promotes the opportunity for communities across Canada to compete in a friendly challenge of beautification, tidiness and community pride. Several hundred communities compete each year to win at the provincial level, allowing them to represent their provinces at the national competition.

Winners of the national competition can go on to compete internationally. HRM is a charter member of the organization and has received many awards in the past.


Rick DeVan
Real Property and Asset Management
(902) 476-9481
or visit the Communities in Bloom website at




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.