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Dedication Ceremony for Korean War Veterans Memorial Garden

(Tuesday, July 25/06)-- There will be an official dedication ceremony this week for the new Korean Veterans' Memorial Garden in Clayton Park West.

The Korean Association of Nova Scotia (KANS) worked with HRM to develop the garden, which is located in Stratford Way Park, in honour of Canadian veterans of the Korean War.
District 10 Councillor Mary Wile will serve as master of ceremonies for the event, to be attended by Soo Taek Rhee, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Montreal; Brigadier General Richard Parsons, Commander Land Forces Atlantic, as well as other federal, provincial, military representatives. The Stadacona Band will also be in attendance.

Councillor Wile will extend her thanks to the Canadian military for the assistance it provided on the project. The memorial plaque to be unveiled was made by the Lunenburg Foundry and donated by the Veterans of the Korean War. Funds to build the pagoda (gazebo) were raised by the Korean Association.

The event takes place at Stratford Way Park, 2 pm on Thursday July 27. A reception will be held on the site.

When:    Thursday, July 27, 2006

Time:      2 p.m.

Where:   Stratford Way Park, Turn right off of Lacewood on to Radcliffe. Turn left at the first street (on Radcliffe), which is Stratford Way. Park is on the right, 3/4 way up on Stratford.

Note: In the event of rain, the ceremony will be held in the Stadcona Chapel.

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Councillor Mary Wile
District 10-Clayton Park West




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.