New Release
Councillor Urges Help for Local Charity
(Wednesday, August 16/06)-- Councillor Stephen Adams has issued a public appeal to the residents of Halifax, particularly those in the Spryfield community, for donations to the Hand in Hand clothing and furniture bank which was extensively damaged by fire on Monday.
Councillor Adams said “ Hand in Hand has done so much to help the people of our community over the years; now its time for the community to help it in its time of need.”
A storage trailer, located behind the St. Vincent de Paul charity, at 436 Herring Cove Road, was destroyed by fire earlier this week, apparently the result of arson. Hand in hand has been helping those needy persons in the community since 1990, providing clothing, furniture and other goods.
The trailer that was destroyed by fire held furniture, holiday items and tools. Councillor Adams is attempting to secure a temporary storage trailer for the group so they may store any goods not destroyed in the fire, as well as any new items to be donated.
Contact for the Hand in Hand charity is Mary Brown at 477-7744.
Councillor Stephen Adams
District 18-Spryfield/herring Cove