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HRM’s Municipal Archives Official Opening

(Friday, September 22/06) - HRM’s new Municipal Archives is holding an open house on Saturday for residents of the municipality.

Mayor Peter Kelly officially opened the Municipal Archives yesterday, with many former mayors, wardens, Councillors and senior staff of the former cities of Halifax and Dartmouth, the Town of Bedford and the County of Halifax and senior staff members of HRM in attendance.

The new archives, located in Burnside Park, houses records of the four former municipal units. Some records date back to the early 1800s.

The Municipal Archives, as well as preserving the region’s documentary heritage, is a fundamental support of good governance by providing access to previous deliberations and decisions. Government accountability and citizen involvement are generated by securing access to the government’s actions, as recorded.

When: Saturday, September 23, 2006

Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Where: 81 Ilsley Avenue, Burnside Business Park in Dartmouth.

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John O’Brien
Manager, Corporate Communications




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